A CPAP alternative you can live with

Billions of people complain of sleepless nights. Twice as many are probably complaining about their own sleepless nights because of endless snoring. Although snoring isn’t always a sure sign of obstructive sleep apnea, it could be an indicator.
A CPAP alternative you can live with

A CPAP alternative you can live with

Billions of people complain of sleepless nights. Twice as many are probably complaining about their own sleepless nights because of endless snoring. Although snoring isn’t always a sure sign of obstructive sleep apnea, it could be an indicator.

What is Obstructive Sleep Apnea?

Referred to as OSA, this disorder causes a person to stop breathing for 10 seconds or more. Because of relaxed, narrowed airways, normal breathing patterns are interrupted as many as thirty times every hour.

When you stop breathing your brain wakes you up so you can start breathing again. If you sleep alone, chances are you have no idea you are suffering from obstructive sleep apnea. People who have untreated OSA are in the high-risk category for stroke and heart attack.  

What Can Be Done About OSA?

Although surgery is an option for obstructive sleep apnea, it is often unsuccessful. The most recommended OSA treatment is Continuous Positive Airway Pressure or CPAP therapy. While highly recommended by sleep apnea specialists it isn’t the most popular.

A CPAP machine works by ensuring your airway remains open while you sleep. A CPAP machine uses a hose that is attached to a machine. The hose has a mouthpiece or mask attached that is placed over your face. With a constant flow of air to your throat, it prevents you from gasping for breath.

With that being said, most people who have quit using their CPAP machine say they did so because it was uncomfortable and cumbersome instead searching for a CPAP alternative.

According to recent research, people give up the CPAP because of:

• Discomfort
• Irritation
• Redness
• Feelings of Claustrophobia
• Excess Gas
• Pressure in the Ears
• Dry Mouth, Throat, or Nose
• Nosebleeds
• Noise
• Partner Complaints
• Cumbersome
• Hard to Travel With

A CPAP Alternative You Can Live With

Your dentist in Midwest City explains that oral appliance therapy is an excellent CPAP alternative. If you travel frequently, you will love the convenience as an oral appliance is about the size of a custom-made mouthguard. In fact, working much like a custom made mouth protector; oral appliances are often hinged holding the mouth in place. With the mouth open, there is no chance of narrowing airways.

As a preferred oral appliance therapy provider, your Midwest City dental office can help you ditch the CPAP without compromising your health. A thorough examination will determine what device would be best for your OSA, as there are a variety of oral appliances available from your dentist in Midwest City.

There really is a safe and effective CPAP alternative. A safe and effective CPAP alternative that won’t end up in the drawer.

Click for an oral appliance therapy for OSA consultation with your TimberView Dentistry Midwest City dental office today.

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