Surgery not the only answer for temporomandibular joint disorder

Your dental office may be the first place to consider if you are suffering from Temporomandibular Joint Disorder.

Surgery not the only answer for temporomandibular joint disorder

Your dental office may be the first place to consider if you are suffering from Temporomandibular Joint Disorder.

TMJ disorder is often difficult to diagnose as a number of factors could come into play such as arthritis, genetics, a misaligned bite, or jaw injuries. People who are habitual teeth grinders may or may not develop a TMJ disorder.

Although some refer to TMD as TMJ, this isn’t correct, as TMJ is the joint itself. TMD refers to a temporomandibular joint disorder.

What is the TMJ?

Your temporomandibular joint is what connects your skull to your jawbone. If you have pain in your jaw, notice a clicking, or grating sound when you open your mouth or have problems moving the joint, you could be dealing with a TMD. Although there is no single cause, the problems with your TMJ could be hereditary, caused by a blow to the head, or from other problems such as bruxism.

Symptoms of Temporomandibular Joint Disorder?

Jaw pain or tenderness
TMJ pain in one or both joints
Earaches and pain around your ears
Problems including pain when chewing
Facial pain
Difficulty opening and closing your mouth
Jaw limitation
Clicking or grating sound when you move your mouth
Hard to close and open your mouth

Can Temporomandibular Joint Disorder be Cured?

Although surgery is an option, there are conservative dental treatments available from your dentist in Midwest City. Nightguards are used by Dr. Julie Storm and her team, as they do not permanently change the position or structure of the teeth or jaw. Even if your TMD is persistent and aggressive, you probably will not require surgery.

In most cases, TMD can be cured or managed with a night guard. Oral appliance therapy in Midwest City is non-invasive and works, and best of all, you can have them made and take them home in the same day.

Emotional, physical, and oral health could all be to blame for your TMD. Until you determine the cause, your TMD will only be managed. If you grind your teeth because of stress, you may want to consider other types of relaxation.

For more information regarding night guard therapy for TMD, call and schedule an appointment with Dr. Storm. Your dental office in Midwest City can put an end to your jaw pain.

Call for a consultation today.

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