Timberview dentistry

Author: TimberView Team

Sedation dentistry for dental anxiety

Sedation dentistry for dental anxiety

Finding a great dentist can be difficult, especially if you aren’t a fan. Whether you had a bad experience as a child, fear a loss of control, or just can’t stand the sound of the drill, dental fear is real and affects billions of people all over the world.

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A CPAP alternative you can live with

A CPAP alternative you can live with

Billions of people complain of sleepless nights. Twice as many are probably complaining about their own sleepless nights because of endless snoring. Although snoring isn’t always a sure sign of obstructive sleep apnea, it could be an indicator.

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Tooth Pain is serious business

Tooth pain is serious business

That extremely painful tooth that started aching in the middle of December isn’t going to get any better. Unless you have a divine intervention or never had a serious problem to begin with, which can only be determined by a dentist, that sharp pain in your tooth that comes and goes will only get worse.

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Yearly dental exams are important

Yearly dental exams are important

Yearly dental exams for kids are vital when it comes to the longevity of your children’s teeth. Your entire family should be having annual dental checkups to make sure that their teeth and gums are healthy.

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Cosmetic dentistry for a happier you

Cosmetic Dentistry for a happier you

Cosmetic dentistry could be just what you need if your reflection is making you unhappy. When you schedule an appointment with Dr. Julie Storm from Timberview Family Dentistry, your teeth and gums will be examined to determine what cosmetic dentistry procedures would be best for you.

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You should listen to that nagging pain

You should listen to that nagging pain

Knowing when to call the dentist is important, especially if you have been avoiding that nagging pain in your back molar. What started as a bad toothache a few months ago, but then went away, could be a sign of something much worse.

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